La Fédération
des Alliances Françaises USA

Supports Alliance Française chapters across the US in promoting the French language and Francophone cultures.

The Federation of Alliances Françaises USA, founded in 1902, is a nonprofit organization representing 100 Alliance Française chapters in the United States.

Its national board of 19 members is made of representatives from Alliance Française chapters from across the country. The Federation organizes an annual national conference, provides grants, showcases literature and film, and supports all chapters with publications and best practices resources. The Federation also organizes national cultural events and promotes the activities of Alliance Française chapters throughout the country

Our Mission

The Federation of Alliances Françaises USA supports and inspires its member chapters to promote the French language and francophone cultures.

Our Vision

A rich cultural connection between French‐speaking and American communities.

Board of Directors

New candidates are welcome to submit their candidacy for the Federation’s national board. The next election will be in October 2025. Click here for information on eligibility, expectations and terms. Contact us with questions or to request a board candidacy application. 

2024-2025 Board of Directors Members


Upi Struzak AF Silicon Valley

Vice Presidents

Renée Ketcham AF Greenwich
Josette Marsh AF Reno
Mo Omari AF Detroit/French Institute MI
Linda Witt AF Seattle
Matt Wyatt AF Miami Metro

Corporate Secretary

Bryn Vaaler AF Minneapolis/St. Paul


Larry Hall AF New Haven


Marie-Laure Arnaud AF Charleston
Brian Burns AF Richmond
Charles Coulon AF de DuPage County
Barbara de Bragança The French Library and Alliance Française de Boston/Cambridge
Murielle de Wekker AF Charlottesville
Amal Elhosni AF Grosse Pointe
Philippe Poirier AF de Philadelphie
Jasmine Rafati Fowler AF Los Angeles
Annie Seys AF Washington DC
Margot Steinhart AF North Shore

Recent Past Presidents

Isabelle Leroux (2022-2024) – AF de Los Angeles | AF de Miami Metro
Linda Witt (2020-2022) – AF de Portland | AF de Seattle
Josette Marsh (2018-2020) – AF de Hawaii | AF de Reno | AF de Silicon Valley
Danielle Badler (2016-2018) – AF de Denver
Josette Marsh (2014-2016) – AF de Hawaii | AF de Reno | AF de Silicon Valley
Carole Crosby (2012–2014) – AF de Sarasota | AF de Chicago
Mimi Gregory (2008–2012) – AF de Bonita Springs
Jane Bernbach (2006–2008) –  AF de New Haven
Carole Crosby (2005–2006) – AF de Grosse Pointe
Jane Robert (2000–2005) – AF de St. Louis
David Thoms and Jane Robert  (co-presidents, 1999–2000) –  AF de Grosse Pointe / AF de St. Louis

What’s the difference?

Federation, Fondation, Coordination Nationale, Institut Français

The Federation of Alliances Françaises USA

The Federation of Alliances Françaises USA, founded in 1902, is a nonprofit organization representing more than 100 chapters in the United States. Its national board of 18 members is made of representatives from Alliance Française chapters from across the country.

The Federation organizes an annual national conference, provides grants, showcases literature and film, and supports all chapters with publications and best practices resources. The Federation also organizes national cultural events and promotes the activities of Alliance Française chapters throughout the country.

La Fondation des Alliances Françaises

The Paris-based Fondation des Alliances Françaises provides oversight of the worldwide AF network, with more than 800 chapters in 130 countries and half a million students. It is the modern-day embodiment of the Alliance Française organization that was launched in 1883 by notables such as Jules Verne and Louis Pasteur.

La Coordination Nationale

The Coordination nationale of the American Alliance Française network maintains the liaison between the American Alliances and the Paris-based Fondation. It is a government-financed body (its staff are civil servants of the French government) that coordinates with French Cultural Services, the Embassy of France, the Consulates General and the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

L’Institut Français

The Institut français promotes French culture internationally, in dialogue with foreign cultures. It promotes initiatives related to various artistic fields, intellectual engagement, cultural and social innovation, and linguistic cooperation. It promotes the French language around the world, as well as the mobility of works of art, artists and ideas.