Pour les dirigeants

Bienvenue to our special section for Alliance Française leaders. 

Here, you’ll find information on the Annual Meeting and Convention and the Federation Grants program, as well as a wealth of resources for AF staff and board members. 

To access our private page with recordings of past Chapter Chat webinars and convention presentations, as well as resources on classes, events, board of directors, governance, fundraising and more, visit our Resources for AF Leaders page. If you do not have access to this page, please contact federation@afusa.org

Resources for AF Leaders
CLICK HERE: Resources for AF Leaders

Federation of AF USA
Annual Meeting & Convention

The Federation of AF USA's Annual Meeting and Convention will take place October 24-26, 2024 in Seattle, Washington. Click here for hotel and flight information, convention schedule, workshop details and more. 

Au plaisir de vous voir à Seattle en 2024 !

Schedule & Registration Schedule & Registration

Federation Grants Program

The Federation offers financial assistance to its Member Chapters through its Grants Program, which includes support from the National Coordinator. The  application deadline is March 1 and grants are awarded by April 30. 

Why join the Federation?

  • National group of talented Alliance Française leaders united by the common purpose of promoting French language and culture
  • Thousands of dollars in grants for school development, cultural programming, childrens' programming, infrastructure improvements and marketing
  • Federation e-newsletter, E-Flash, packed with timely, practical tips
  • One Film One Federation, One Book One Federation, and free online Cultural Offerings programs
  • Guidance from our team of experienced Alliance leaders
  • Members-only annual convention bringing together experts from inside and outside the AF network
  • Promotional opportunities, discounts, and partnerships
  • Access to exclusive areas of our website, including toolkits, white papers, and workshop presentations