La Convention

Our Annual Meeting and Convention features workshops, panels, and networking opportunities for AF leaders from  North America and France.

One-on-One Rendez-Vous

This session allows conference attendees a dedicated block of time for sit-down, one-on-one meetings with experts from throughout the US and international network of AFs. This gives you time to get information and answers for issues or challenges confronting your chapter.

Click here to sign up for your One-on-One appointments Click here to sign up for your One-on-One appointments

Saturday, October 26

2:00 pm 

120 min


Full Convention Schedule Full Convention Schedule

Charles Coulon AF de DuPage
Federation of AF USA
Chapter Chats
Florian Coutal Spécialiste de programme Représentation pour les Amériques
Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (OIF)
Mikaël de la Fuente Délégué géographique Zone C
Fondation des Alliances Françaises
Franck Desroches Directeur général
AF de Paris
Murielle de Wekker AF de Charlottesville
Federation of AF USA
Membership & Immersion Trips
Hamza Djimli Coordinateur national
National Coordination
Larry Hall AF de New Haven
Federation of AF USA
Insurance / QuickBooks / Endowments
Renée Ketcham AF de Greenwich
Federation of AF USA
Cultural and Film Programming
Vasilena Koleva Chargée de mission Événements et Appui au réseau 
Fondation des Alliances Françaises - IntrAlliances
Grégory Lasne Directeur général 
Mo Omari AF de Detroit
 French Institute of MI
Federation of AF USA 
Federation Grants Program
Annie Seys AF de Washington DC  Federation of AF USA
Strategic Planning
Upi Struzak AF de Silicon Valley
Federation of AF USA
Communications & IT
Matt Wyatt AF de Miami Metro
Federation of AF USA
Insurance / QuickBooks / Endowments

Un grand merci to our Sponsors 

Visit the Sponsor Page