La Convention

Our Annual Meeting and Convention features workshops, panels, and networking opportunities for AF leaders from  North America and France.

Workshop 2b:
Small Chapters Roundtable

The Alliance Française network in the U.S. includes many small chapters, some of which have been in existence for decades and others that just recently formed. Some do not have teaching programs and others have recently opened classes for the first time. These small or emerging chapters have specific challenges in common. Virtually all undertake or participate in cultural and linguistic activities (book clubs, conversation groups, etc.) and all face administrative issues common to all small nonprofits. At this workshop, panelists from two small chapters in New Haven, CT and DuPage county, IL will lead a discussion among workshop participants regarding the activities and opportunities open to these chapters.

(Subject to minor changes and adjustments.)

Friday, October 25 

2:00 pm 

90 min


Full Convention Schedule Full Convention Schedule

Upi Struzak (Moderator) Vice President 
Federation of AF USA
President | AF Silicon Valley
Charles Coulon
Board Member 
Federation of AF USA
President | AF DuPage
Silvia Bettega President
AF Hartford
Larry Hall
Federation of AF USA
Treasurer | AF New Haven

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