La Convention

Our Annual Meeting and Convention features workshops, panels, and networking opportunities for AF leaders from  North America and France.

Workshop 4:
Avoiding Burnout in Your AF - Practical Strategies and Solutions

Barbara Bouquegneau, longtime leader of the French Library/Alliance Française of Boston and Cambridge, has extensively researched the immense challenge of burnout in nonprofit organizations—the pervasive feeling of being constantly overstretched and never able to fully “catch up” with one’s work load. Overwhelm turning into burnout can lead to severe loss of quality of life for both leaders and employees, with damaging consequences for the organization itself.

This fact-filled, interactive workshop will introduce concrete, solidly tested tips and solutions that are scientifically proven to work. The workshop incorporates Barbara’s own findings as well as the most recent research by specialists, including scholars, motivational speakers, and other authorities in the area of work-life balance and performance optimization. The workshop will provide major insight into how to better take care of leadership and staff, so that they can perform at their best, without the threat of imminent burnout.

Note that Barbara has applied her findings to improve her own and her staff’s workload organization and management, with heartening results, thus helping to ensure a better work-life balance, well-being and communication among all the people who dedicate themselves to the AF’s mission.

October 26

9:30 am 

60 min


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Linda Witt
Board Member | AF Seattle
Vice President | Federation of AF USA
Barbara Bouquegneau President & Executive Director
French Library AF de Boston & Cambridge

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