Jouer à la Pétanque with a twist à l'AF de Grand Rapids

Imagine playing pétanque on the grass. It’s a little bit challenging to point or shoot because since the ground is hidden below the grass, you have no means to study the terrain between you and le cochonnet. So, playing on grass is like “pétanque sauvage” as Jolene Vos-Camy, President of AF Grand Rapids, introduced the event. With that kind of terrain, discovery while playing pétanque was source of a lot of fun and camaraderie.
I had the opportunity to participate in such an event, the annual pétanque tournament this last June 23, 2024, organized by l’Alliance Française Grand Rapids. The event was set in the beautiful backyard of Jolene’s home. The place was prepared and ready for the competition with three courts, les boules, et les cochonnets. As well as plenty of food and drinks to enjoy during the beautiful weather on a Sunday afternoon in Grand Rapids. Plenty of people registered for the competition or just to be there and socialize while enjoying a good glass of refreshing rosé.
The competition was between thirty people divided into fifteen teams of two each. Teams played with each other and went, in between each game, for refreshments and delicious dishes spread inside for all to enjoy. There were plenty of laughs and clapping among the spectators and follow teammates.
Like in any pétanque’s game, there was a lot of discussion around le cohonnet to decide whose boule is closest, before agreeing and moving to the next game.
After a couple of hours of pure enjoyment of a game of pétanque on the grass, we got to watch the final game between the “Kati-Sue” team versus the “Jim-Todd” team. The competition was tough, both teams had proven themselves by getting to the final. Everyone was watching while divided on who to root for. We heard a lot of “go Jim! go Todd!” or “go Kati! go Sue!”. After each throw of a boule, cheers sounded with the usual “bien joué!”
Finally, the count of points was there, the winner of the tournament was declared. The first place went the “Jim-Todd” team, standing on the “podium”, they were congratulated by President Vos-Camy under the cheering from all.
AF Grand Rapids creativity in using a well-known game of pétanque and adding a twist to make it fun for all levels is certainly something to follow by other AF chapters. Meanwhile, I am going to practice the game in my own grassy backyard to improve my skills and be ready for the next pétanque sauvage event in Grand Rapids.
Mo Omari, PhD.
Président Alliance Française de Detroit