Soirée Prix Charbonnier:
Important Information
Friday, Oct. 25, 2024 @ 5:30pm
You are receiving this message because you are registered for the Prix Charbonnier event on Friday, Oct. 25, 2024 at the historic Rainier Club in downtown Seattle, located at 820 4th Avenue. This reception is an opportunity for our local, national and international invitees to gather, socialize, and enjoy refreshments on the occasion of the Prix Charbonnier award in honor of Mark Pigott.
If your plans have changed, and you no longer plan to attend, please let us know as soon as possible, so that we can open your spot to people on the waitlist for the event.
Some notes for you as you prepare for the event:
- Timing / Program: The event will open for guest check-in at 5:30pm. A segment of the evening will include brief speeches and the award ceremony. The event will end at 7:30pm.
- Dress code for this event is coat and tie for gentlemen, and cocktail attire for women.
Getting to the Rainier Club
- For those of you staying at the Federation conference hotel, the Rainier Club is a 10-minute Uber ride or a 22-minute walk.
- For those of you who are driving, see the parking options here.
On Arrival
- Enter the club at 820 4th Avenue. Follow the simple directions on the security panel so that the receptionist can buzz you in. Proceed to the 3rd floor (use stairs or the elevator) and check in by name at the event check-in desk, located at the entrance to the Heritage Room. At check-in you’ll receive a magnetic badge.
- Coat-check: A coat-check (unmanned) will be available at the door to the event room.
- Phones: As a professional courtesy, we request that you put your phones away and on mute. Please, no photos or filming during the evening. A professional photographer, Pierre Frevol, will take pictures throughout the event. Feel free to ask Pierre to take photos of your group. All photos/video will be available online after the event, at no cost, to all guests.
What to Expect
- The format is a social reception to encourage networking and conversation, whether in French or in English.
- For the enjoyment of all guests, a hosted open bar will be available, as well as passed hors d’œuvres and a light buffet.
- Limited seating for persons with disabilities is available.
Email or call Linda Witt, Prix Charbonnier committee member and event manager (linda.witt@witt4good.com or 503.516.5914)
Special acknowledgement to PACCAR and the Pigott Family for their support of this event.