Lecture d’été: An Interview with Elizabeth Birkelund on her new novel, A Northern Light in Provence (in English)

Join us for an interview with author Elizabeth Birkelund, who will be speaking about her new novel about a French translator, A Northern Light in Provence.
A Northern Light in Provence: Ilse Erlund is a translator who lives in a house on stilts along the west coast of Greenland. Isolated and restless in her world by the sea, she convinces her publisher to pay for a trip to the country she has never visited but whose language she speaks fluently: France. Her mission is to translate the verses of Geoffrey “Po” Labaye, a charismatic poet known as “the last living troubadour of Provence.”
Elizabeth Birkelund graduated from the Hewitt School in New York City, from Brown University with honors in Comparative literature, and from the Radcliffe Publishing Program. After college, she worked for a literary agent and was a member of the editorial staff for a start-up magazine, European Travel and Life. She began her fifteen-year freelance writing career as a monthly personal finance columnist for Cosmopolitan magazine, and has written for over fifteen publications, including Glamour, Self, Working Woman, Victoria. Her first novel, The Dressmaker, was published by Henry Holt & Co. in 2006, with a paperback Picador publication in 2007. It has been published in England in two versions, in Germany and in Russia. Her novel, The Runaway Wife, will be published by Harper Collins in July. She lives in New York City.
To purchase A Northern Light in Provence on Bookshop.org, click here.